CELSIUS NETWORK CRYPTO INTEREST CELSIUS INTEREST CELSIUS Company [what is Celsius Network] Celsius is a crypto Investing and Fiat landing company. Celsius Network allow you to invest(Store) your cryptocurrency and earn interest . You simple store your Cryptocurrencies and earn interest by keeping your cryptos(coins) at Celsius (celsius's Custody: Bitgo). You store these selected coins (cryptos): Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Multi-collateral DAI (DAI), STELLAR (XLM), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and learn more in Celsius app . Download the Celsius app here Earn Interest Each coin (crypto Currency) will earn you Interest according to Celsius percentage(%) specific to each crypto cerrency (From 5% to 10%). Check out Celsius Network webpage or Celsius app for the list of accepted coins and the % of interest you can earn. You can earn as much as 10% on your crypto coins : ZCash (ZEC) 7.25% (or 9.90% if you choose to earn intere...